(And, even if he did use homophobic slurs again and scammed more money out of people, some gay porn fans would probably still welcome him back, because he’s hot?) So, assuming he avoids using homophobic slurs (which, in fairness, was four years ago now, so hopefully he’s learned from his mistake) and doesn’t scam money out of people again, he could have a successful comeback. Miss him? Controversial gay porn star Vadim Black-who had a series of fraudulent Skype, IndieGogo, PayPal, Snapchat and GoFundMe scams with his infamous girlfriend Katelin (I think commenters here used to call her “Lady Pimp Katelin”?) after appearing on an episode of MTV’s True Life ( where he admitted to using illegal drugs on gay porn sets) with her in 2015, and who once complained about gays by tweeting “I hate fags”-is planning a gay porn comeback, and in a tweet posted tonight (above), the Russian gay porn star promices promises that he’s going to “take over the porn industry lol.” LOLs aside, Vadim Black has been looking good lately:ĭespite all the ups and downs, drama, and controversies, Vadim had some memorable scenes prior to his last retirement.